Well, what if you could get to be home more and work less. The middle sized monkey has been sick for two days and then you can start knitting a new shawl while you sit down and cuddle on the couch in front of Nemo and Dragon Ball movies. Oh, it is so nice to just stay at home! I took the green / kiwi yarn I bought from Garnkorgen. It's a bit itchy, there will be no more merino / nylon mixes for me. And I'm not sure if I was in my right mind when I decided on the colour, but, but, the design (Dragon scales) is neat and moderately difficult to knit. Four skeins, I thought of spending, knitting needle number 3.
Och en närbild:
And a close-up:
My hat i wrote about last week, a Boy Hat in Manu baby alpacka, turned out like this:
And on my beautiful head:
Om någon undrar om det hemliga blå virkningsprojektet så har en viss progress skett, se nedan. Men vad skall det bli? En gigantisk snopp-värmare till min man?
If somebody wonders about the top-secret blue crochet-project, a certain progress has been made, see below. But what will it be? A gigantic willy-warmer for my husband?
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